Direction First, you will be given a list of three "nonsense" words and their English word meanings. The question(s) that follow will ask you to reverse the process and translate an English word into the artificial language.

Here are some words translated from an artificial language.


gorblflur means fan belt

pixngorbl means ceiling fan

arthtusl means tile roof


Which word could mean "ceiling tile"?

A. gorbltusl
B. flurgorbl
C. arthflur
D. pixnarth
Answer: D


Gorbl means fan; flur means belt; pixn means ceiling; arth means tile; and tusl means roof. Therefore, pixnarth is the correct choice.


Here are some words translated from an artificial language.


hapllesh means cloudburst

srenchoch means pinball

resbosrench means ninepin


Which word could mean "cloud nine"?

A. leshsrench
B. ochhapl
C. haploch
D. haplresbo
Answer: D


Hapl means cloud; lesh means burst; srench means pin; och means ball; and resbo means nine. Leshsrench (choice a) doesn't contain any of the words needed for cloud nine. We know that och means ball, so that rules out choices b and c. When you combine hapl (cloud) with resbo (nine), you get the correct answer


Here are some words translated from an artificial language.


agnoscrenia means poisonous spider

delanocrenia means poisonous snake

agnosdeery means brown spider


Which word could mean "black widow spider"?

A. deeryclostagnos
B. agnosdelano
C. agnosvitriblunin
D. trymuttiagnos
Answer: C


In this language, the noun appears first and the adjectives follow. Since agnos means spider and should appear first, choices a and d can be ruled out. Choice b can be ruled out because delano means snake.


Here are some words translated from an artificial language.


moolokarn means blue sky

wilkospadi means bicycle race

moolowilko means blue bicycle


Which word could mean "racecar"?

A. wilkozwet
B. spadiwilko
C. m
D. spadivolo
Answer: D


From wilkospadi, you can determine that wilko means bicicyle and spadi means race. Therefore, the first part of the word that means racecar should begin with spadi. That limits your choices to b and d. Choice b, spadiwilko, is incorrect because we have already determined that wilkomeans bicycle. Therefore, the answer must be cho


Here are some words translated from an artificial language.


migenlasan means cupboard

lasanpoen means boardwalk

cuopdansa means pullman


Which word could mean "walkway"?

A. poenmigen
B. cuopeisel
C. lasandansa
D. poenforc
Answer: D


Migen means cup; lasan means board; poen means walk; cuop means pull; and dansa means man. The only possible choices, then, are choices a and d. Choice a can be ruled out because migen means cup.