Direction First, you will be given a list of three "nonsense" words and their English word meanings. The question(s) that follow will ask you to reverse the process and translate an English word into the artificial language.

Here are some words translated from an artificial language.


plekapaki means fruitcake

pakishillen means cakewalk

treftalan means buttercup


Which word could mean "cupcake&quo

A. shillenalan
B. treftpleka
C. pakitreft
D. alanpaki
Answer: D


Pleka means fruit; paki means cake; shillen means walk; treftmeans butter; and alanmeans cup. Therefore, alanpaki means cupcake.


Here are some words translated from an artificial language.


malgauper means peach cobbler

malgaport means peach juice

moggagrop means apple jelly


Which word could mean "apple juice"?

A. moggaport
B. malgaauper
C. gropport
D. moggagrop
Answer: A


Malga means peach; uper means cobbler; port means juice; mogga means apple; and grop means jelly. Therefore, moggaport means apple juice.


Here are some words translated from an artificial language.


peslligen means basketball court

ligenstrisi means courtroom

oltaganti means placement test


Which word could mean "guest room"?

A. peslstrisi
B. vosefstrisi
C. gantipesl
D. oltastrisi
Answer: B


Pesl means basketball; ligen means court; strisi means room; olta means placement; and ganti means test. Because strisimeans room, it must be present in the answer, so that rules out choice c. Choices a and d are incorrect because pesl means basketball and olta means placement. That leaves choice b as the only possible answer.


Here are some words translated from an artificial language.


mallonpiml means blue light

mallontifl means blueberry

arpantifl means raspberry


Which word could mean "lighthouse"?

A. tiflmallon
B. pimlarpan
C. mallonarpan
D. pimldoken
Answer: D


Mallon means blue; pimlmeans light; tifl means berry; and arpan means "rasp" in raspberry. The word piml, which means light, is required for the word lighthouse. That rules out choices a and c. Arpan in choice b means "rasp", so that rules out choice b. That leaves choice d the only possible answer.


Here are some words translated from an artificial language.


morpirquat means birdhouse

beelmorpir means bluebird

beelclak means bluebell


Which word could mean "houseguest"?

A. morpirhunde
B. beelmoki
C. quathunde
D. clakquat
Answer: C


Morpir means bird; quat means house; beel means blue; clak means bell. Choice c, which begins with quat, is the only possible option.