
Three of the words will be in the same classification, the remaining one will not be. Your answer will be the one word that does NOT belong in the same classification as the others.


Which word does NOT belong with the others?

A. guitar
B. flute
C. violin
D. cello
Answer: B

Explanation: The guitar, violin, and cello are stringed instruments; the flute is a wind instrument.


Which word does NOT belong with the others?

A. dodge
B. flee
C. duck
D. avoid
Answer: B

Explanation: Dodge, duck, and avoid are all synonyms meaning evade. Flee means to run away from.


Which word does NOT belong with the others?

A. Branch B. dirt
C. leaf
D. root
Explanation: A branch, leaf, and root are all parts of a tree. The dirt underneath is not a part of the tree.


Which word does NOT belong with the others?

A. street
B. freeway
C. interstate
D. expressway
Answer: A

Explanation: Freeway, interstate, and expressway are all high- speed highways; a street is for low-speed traffic.


Which word does NOT belong with the others?

A. heading
B. body
C. letter
D. closing
Answer: C

Explanation: Heading, body, and closing are all parts of a letter; the letter is the whole, not a part.