
In which of the following sequences the change in quantity of money leads to change in price level in the Keynesian models?

A. Change in quantity of money - change in investment - change in employment and output - change in rate of interest - change in price level B. Change in quantity of money - change in employment and output - change in investment - change in the rate of interest - change in price level
C. Change in quantity of money - change in investment - change in rate of interest - change in employment and output - change in price level D. Change in quantity of money - change in rate of interest - change in investment - change in employment and output - change in price level
Explanation: No answer description available for this question.


Foreign Direct Investment ceilings in the telecom sector have been raised from 74 percent to

A. 80 percent B. 83 percent
C. 90 percent D. 100 percent
Explanation: No answer description available for this question.


Which of the following is not a part of machinery that settles industrial disputes?

A. Wage Court B. Works Committee
C. Conciliation officers D. Board of Conciliation
Explanation: No answer description available for this question.