
When was Monopoly created?

A. 1940s B. 1930s
C. 1920s D. 1950s
Explanation: After the Stock Market crash, a buying and selling game created by Charles Darrow came to be. The first games were hand drawn on linoleum with streets from Atlantic City, N.J. as the property. He took the game to the Parker Brothers company, and Monopply was brought out for Christmas 1934. Everyone wanted to buy the games after Christmas, and Monopoly became a big success.


What furniture item was invented by California furniture designer Charles Prior Hall in 1968?

A. Sofa bed B. Captain's chair
C. Waterbed D. Hammock
Explanation: No answer description available for this question.


The Manhattan Project was started by President Roosevelt in 1942 to ensure that the U.S. beat the Germans in developing a nuclear bomb. Whom did Roosevelt appoint as scientific head the Manhattan Project?

A. Robert Oppenheimer B. James B. Conant
C. Leslie R. Groves D. Vannevar Bush
Explanation: Leslie R. Groves, however, was the military head of the project and the overall supremo, while Robert Oppenheimer was the scientific director. The world's first atomic bomb was exploded in the New Mexico desert on July 16, 1945.


When was the first lawn mower invented?

A. 1830 B. 1854
C. 1835 D. 1849
Explanation: The first lawn mowers were not engine powered. Invented in 1830 by Edwin Budding of England, the mowers were turning blades on wooden sticks used to cut grass. Engine powered mowers were not invented until 1919 by an American Army colonel, who used the motor from a washing machine.


In which decade were the first successful diode and triode vacuum tubes invented?

A. 1800s B. 1880s
C. 1890s D. 1900s
Explanation: In 1904, John Ambrose Fleming invented the first practical electron tube called the 'Fleming Valve', which is a diode rectifier. In 1906, Lee de Forest invented the audion later called the triode, which provided signal amplification.