
Point A is at a lower electrical potential than point B. An electron between them on the line joining them will

A. move towards A B. move towards B
C. move at right angles to the line joining A and B D. remain at rest
Explanation: No answer description available for this question.


Materials for rain-proof coats and tents owe their water-proof properties to

A. surface tension B. viscosity
C. specific gravity D. elasticity
Explanation: No answer description available for this question.


RADAR is used for

A. locating submerged submarines B. receiving a signals in a radio receiver
C. locating geostationary satellites D. detecting and locating the position of objects such as aeroplanes
Explanation: No answer description available for this question.


Sound of frequency below 20 Hz is called

A. audio sounds B. infrasonic
C. ultrasonic D. supersonics
Explanation: No answer description available for this question.


On a clean glass plate a drop of water spreads to form a thin layer whereas a drop of mercury remains almost spherical because

A. mercury is a metal B. density of mercury is greater than that of water
C. cohesion of mercury is greater than its adhesion with glass D. cohesion of water is greater than its adhesion with glass
Explanation: No answer description available for this question.