
Redistribution polices geared to reduce economic inequalities include

A. progressive tax policies B. land reforms
C. rural development policies D. All the above
Explanation: No answer description available for this question.


Short-term finance is usually for a period ranging up to

A. 5 months B. 10 months
C. 12 months D. 15 months
Explanation: No answer description available for this question.


In India, which one among the following formulates the fiscal policy?

A. Planning Commission B. Ministry of Finance
C. Finance Commission D. The Reserve Bank of India
Explanation: No answer description available for this question.


The budget deficit means

A. the excess of total expenditure, including loans, net of lending over revenue receipts B. difference between revenue receipts and revenue expenditure
C. difference between all receipts and all the expenditure D. fiscal deficit less interest payments
Explanation: No answer description available for this question.


In utensils worth Rs 1000 are produced with copper worth Rs 500, wages paid are Rs 100, other material purchased is worth Rs 100 and depreciation of machinery is zero, then what is the value added in process?

A. Rs 1000 B. Rs 500
C. Rs 400 D. Rs 300
Explanation: No answer description available for this question.