Direction In each series, look for the degree and direction of change between the numbers. In other words, do the numbers increase or decrease, and by how much-

11 16 21 26 31 36 41

A. 47 52
B. 46 52
C. 45 49
D. 46 51
Answer: D

Explanation: In this simple addition series, each number is 5 more than the previous number.


3 8 13 18 23 28 33

A. 39 44
B. 38 44
C. 38 43
D. 37 42
Answer: C

Explanation: In this simple addition series, each number is 5 greater than the previous number.


84 78 72 66 60 54 48

A. 44 34
B. 42 36
C. 42 32
D. 40 34
Answer: B

Explanation: In this simple subtraction series, each number is 6 less than the previous number.


20 20 17 17 14 14 11

A. 8 8
B. 11 11
C. 11 14
D. 8 9
Answer: E

Explanation: This is a simple subtraction with repetition series. It begins with 20, which is repeated, then 3 is subtracted, resulting in 17, which is repeated, and so on.


61 57 50 61 43 36 61

A. 29 61
B. 27 20
C. 31 61
D. 22 15
Answer: E

Explanation: This is an alternating repetition series, in which a random number, 61, is interpolated as every third number into an otherwise simple subtraction series. Starting with the second number, 57, each number (except 61) is 7 less than the previous number.